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Setting up mutt with procmail

I have been checking my fastmail account with Evolution for quite a
while with no issues. But, I wanted to try mutt for a mailer and take
advantage of some of the more advanced procmail functionality as well. I
currently have a number of folders for mailing lists and rules (filters)
set up with my fastmail account to route mail to these folders.

My question is what would be the best way to set this up with mutt,
fetchmail, and procmail such that I can maintain the folder hierarchy
and also still leave mail on the server until it is manually deleted? Is
this possible using this setup? I understand I can use mutt to connect
directly to the fastmail IMAP server, but I'd like to use some of the
things I've written into my procmailrc, so I'd want to use fetchmail to
'get' the mail, pass to procmail, and then let mutt be the viewer. Is
anyone here on the list doing this, and if so could you help me with how
you set this up?



No lake so still but that it has its wave;
No circle so perfect but that it has a blur.
I would change things for you if I could;
As I can't, you must take them as they are.
-Han fei Tzu 

19:56:51 up 1 day, 21:25, 1 user, load average: 0.23, 0.10, 0.09 
Linux salamander 2.6.4 #1 SMP Wed Mar 10 23:59:57 PST 2004 i686 unknown
unknown GNU/Linux

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