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Re: set editor, switching from vim to emacs

On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 04:37:26AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:

> <plug type="shameless">
> Well, my solution is rather simple: I have a data file [1] where I list
> info about mailing lists.  Now, there's more of an incentive to update
> that data file, since it also provides an alias for the mailing list
> (starting with ml_), so the list-post function (for which I believe a
> patch's been floating around) becomes unnecessary.

> (I also intend to add
> a tiny little script to update the lists file from within Mutt when you
> identify a mailing-list message (by binding it to a key).)

As it happens, I've just completed such a script [5].  You can invoke
it with a macro like this:

macro index l "<pipe-message>~/.mutt/addlistfrommail ; make -C ~/.mutt/\nsource 
~/.mutt/muttrc" "Mark recipient addy as a mailing list"

Note that if you use the rest of my config, your macro need only do the
first part of the above.  Hitting ^R a couple of times will do all the
necessary remaking and resourcing for you.

> That file's
> used to construct the actual RC file for the lists [2] by a script [3].
> A makefile [4] handles all the mechanics.
> </plug>

 - Dave

BTW - The funny thing is, I have no immediate plans to actually use the
thing ... LOL ;-)






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