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Re: opening pdf attachments

On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 12:31:13PM +0100, Tom Koornwinder wrote:
: Some pdf attachments I receive under mutt (on Sun/solaris),
: I can immediately view by doing return on the appropriate line
: describing the attachment: it opens the pdf file in acroread.
: With some other pdf attachments this lets me only view the code.
: For instance, here is the start of a pdf attachment which did not open
: in a proper way:
: --=====001_Dragon154418242456_=====
: Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
:       name="ZhanLiang-Resume(general).pdf"
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
: Content-Disposition: attachment;
:       filename="ZhanLiang-Resume(general).pdf"
: So the Content-Type was originally given as application/octet-stream,
: but the filename with .pdf suffis is also given there.  and the second
: time as application/pdf
: Is there a way around that I can open all received pdf attachments
: from within mutt?

I asked a similar question just a few days ago, and received a helpful
reply from Gary Johnson:


If this question pops up frequently, maybe it should be added to the
Mutt FAQ...?