Yai! Thanks all of you for your kind help :) I hope this mail gets referenced right under the whole thread. I thank you for your help, I am new to emacs and read all your mails carefully and used tips here and there from everyone. If someone is interested I will try to explain what I have done... I installed mutt.el, muttrc-mode.el and post.el and "emacsclient %s" does the trick now. Thats the short story. Also Header and signature highlightning is OK now, very good. Also my :) gets highlighted, very nifty. What I simply did not understood when mailing the 1st mail was, that my long editor line (the sed and awk and print stuff) calculated the line postition, I misunderstood the %s somehow and thought it is the mutt provided line number to start instead of the filename, how stupid. Now and finally emacs starts with an emty line after the headers also, very good. I also investigated the difference between gnuclient and emacsclient, the gnuclient thing is interesting, but I don't get xemacs to hardly highlight anything under console :( But in general I must say emacs does some things out of the box more correct which I had customized vim to to so in hard work. Regards, Konsti PS.: (great, highlighted PS.: and (text in braces!)) I see emacs gods are here, how to get rid of menubar with emacs -nw? Is, when switched of, F10 still usable? Also there is an Option when mouse pasting that text it pasted at cursor position, not where clicked to... But becaus totally offtopic ignore that, I have to fiddle around with these small details, since my emacs experience now lasts only for some hours... -- 2.6.0-test8-love3 Konstantin Kletschke <konsti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <konsti@xxxxxxxxx> GPG KeyID EF62FCEF Fingerprint: 13C9 B16B 9844 EC15 CC2E A080 1E69 3FDA EF62 FCEF keulator.homelinux.org up 1 day, 1:44
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