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Re: set editor, switching from vim to emacs

On Tue, Nov 18 2003 at 09:39:31AM BRST, Konstantin Kletschke 
<konsti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I hope this mail gets referenced right under the whole thread.

        It did :)

> I also investigated the difference between gnuclient and emacsclient,
> the gnuclient thing is interesting, but I don't get xemacs to hardly
> highlight anything under console :(

        xemacs' default colours don't work well in console, I had to
customize my set. Try "M-x customize-group RET faces RET"

> PS.: (great, highlighted PS.: and (text in braces!)) I see emacs gods
> are here, how to get rid of menubar with emacs -nw? 

        I think in GNU emacs it was "M-x menu-bar-mode" (this toggles menu

> Is, when switched of, F10 still usable?

        I don't remember what f10 does for gnu emacs, but if it was a
shortcut to a menu function, it should continue to work with menu turned

> Also there is an Option when mouse pasting that
> text it pasted at cursor position, not where clicked to... But becaus

        In your .emacs:

(setq mouse-yank-at-point t)

        (I think it's the same for gnu emacs).

> totally offtopic ignore that, I have to fiddle around with these small
> details, since my emacs experience now lasts only for some hours...

        Well, you're off to a good start :)

 Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel                         <rbp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 http://isnomore.net                          GPG KeyId: <0x0DB14978>

Things are not what they seem; Nor are they otherwise.
          -- Lankavatara Sutra (Taken from a post in alt.zen)