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Re: about pgp-signed messages

On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 07:19:15PM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 07:10:49PM -0500, Allister MacLeod wrote:
> > At this point, since I don't forsee
> > needing to exchange very sensitive information with Dave, it matters
> > very little to me whether the key belongs to a man named D.Y. Cohen,
> > or a small child, or an old woman, or whatever.
> an old woman ... LOL ;-)
> > Of course, your mileage may vary.  (Just don't drive in 1st on the highway.)
> ...or second ... unless you're in a Ferrarri, of course

Hehe. Thanks for the script Dave. It worked great from the command line,
but not so great from within Mutt. I now have my pgp_getkeys_command set
to /usr/home/elvis/bin/getkeys %r, but still, when I read signed emails
on this list, from people whos key I don't have, Mutt is unable to verify
the signature. When I import their keys from one of the keyservers using
the script manually, and then read their email, it works fine.

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Aron Stansvik


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