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Re: PGP menu

* On 12 Apr 2010, Derek Martin wrote: 
> of yucky, and suggested the current (c)lear instead.  Thomas agreed,
> but insisted that (f) should continue to work since it was, as I
> believe he put it, "hard-wired into my brain."

macro prompt f c -- curses!

The flip side, of course, it that mutt users are quick on the keyboard
and will continue typing before the computer reacts, guaranteeing
that anyone with 'f' hard-wired into their brains commits quite a few
effective typos before detecting the error.  But there is a price to
'progress', I suppose.  It's been a while, and even we stodgy terminal
mailer users have to retrain our brains eventually.

I was in a meeting a few days ago where the PM made some condescending
crack about unix admins and their pine e-mail, and every other person
in the room but me burst into laughter.  I think I would have said
something regrettable if I had figured out how to explain sharply and
concisely that although my mailer isn't pine, it has all the same
qualities that they consider foolish.  First time I've been glad that a
co-worker uses pine.

By the way, as long as we're discussing cosmetic changes in this area:
ever since this was changed I've been rather thrown off that the PGP
prompt changes to a Security prompt when I forget (clear) it.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx    IT Services    University of Chicago