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Re: [Mutt] #2014: mutt quote/dequote headers too many times

#2014: mutt quote/dequote headers too many times

Comment (by vinc17):

 Replying to [comment:6 TAKAHASHI Tamotsu]:
 > Oh, I removed the RFC822Specials case from
 > Though I don't remember why I made such a modification,
 > you may want to revert the chunk of the patch.
 > (e.g. Delete lines 207-253 of patch-1.5.11cvs.tamovl.namequot.1)

 There's a problem with that: when one replies to a message for which
 quotes are needed, too many quotes are added. For instance, if I reply to
 a message with address

   "foo <foo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bar" <bar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

 and postpone the message, I get in the postponed mailbox:

   "\"\\\"\\\\\\\"foo <foo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bar\\\\\\\"\\\"\""

 > Well, I hope it is not a core part of the patch.
 > But if you find a side-effect, you may need to check "display",
 > i.e.:
 > -    if (strpbrk (addr->personal, RFC822Specials))
 > +    if (display && strpbrk (addr->personal, RFC822Specials))

 With this change, I still have the display problem I mentioned on

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2014#comment:7>