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[Mutt] #2986: Quick way to restart

#2986: Quick way to restart


 I have a small wish. Perhaps it can be done with a clever configuration
 option, but I haven't found that. If so, I'll be glad to be corrected.

 I have a pretty complex mutt setup, grown over the past 5 years. Procmail
 pipes mails to a great number of folders, and mutt reads them all:

 mailboxes ~/Mail/incoming 'ls -mt --width=32768
 /home/heikki/Mail/*/mailinglists/* | tr "," " "'

 (the ls command is in back ticks, but trac did not seem to like those)

 The problem is that when the week, month, or year changes, procmail will
 start putting mails in a new mbox, possibly even creating a new directory
 (the first * expands to the year). And mutt won't check these, since it
 only read the mbox list in the beginning, which can be several days ago -
 I always keep my mutt open.

 So, every now and then I have to exit mutt and restart. It would be nice
 if there was a keystroke to force something like a restart without
 actually exiting mutt (depending where I read from, I may have to log in
 to the mail machine again if I exit the alias that starts a remote mutt).
 It would also place me to the default mbox, which is the one I most often
 navigate to anyway.

 Thanks for keeping a good mail reader alive!


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2986>