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Re: [Mutt] #2917: format/flowed messages are not properly filled

#2917: format/flowed messages are not properly filled

Comment (by pdmef):

 Replying to [comment:5 Kyle Wheeler]:
 > On Thursday, June 21 at 03:01 PM, quoth Mutt:

 > > The point is that when you explicitly set wrap to something
 > > other than 0, you ask mutt to display text not wider than your
 > > limit. I'm afraid in these cases mutt will have to break all
 > > lines (all fixed-format mails, all fixed lines in flowed-format
 > > mails) in order to do what you configured it to.
 > No, that's wrong. Fixed lines in flowed-format mails are
 > *specifically* fixed. Mutt can break them if they're too long, but
 > it's not allowed to rewrap them if they can be displayed as-is.

 Didn't I write that? The problem with this bug is not mutt incorrectly
 rewraps lines but that it could be more clever to break overly long lines.

 And yes, with $wrap=0 and the internal limit of 77 the text is too long.

 A quick look at the code is that mutt even uses 1 char less, though I
 know why off-hand.

 > Check out what it would look like if I hadn't:

 Okay, code and quotes are valid examples of why you want that.

 > The sender has chosen to explicitly decide what lines can and
 > cannot be flowed, and may have very good reasons for that. The
 > mailer should respect that information, and not disregard it just
 > because SOME parts of the message need can be reformatted.

 The problem is about breaking, not flowing.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/2917#comment:9>