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Re: change_folder_next patch

=- Alain Bench wrote on Thu  3.May'07 at 12:16:39 +0200 -=

> > I've left it bound to ',' for now, but...
> There is another argument against binding comma: Since ages, by
> default comma is not bound. This fact is well known by users, and
> they frequently use the comma for their custom binds. Either comma
> alone, or as prefix of multi-keys macros. As examples the
> ",@r13on" and ",@r13off" of the ROT13 decoder macro set adviced on
> the Mutt wiki. And many more such. This would not cooperate
> smoothly with a default bound comma.

But the same users won't know about the new function or simply
haven't used it before and therefore won't miss it (or expect it to
be on ","). Those aware of it can rebind to whatever they want, if
they already have "," bound. I see no loss there.

> BTW, in Mutt's speak this function doesn't jump to the next
> _folder_, but to the next _mailbox_ (a folder declared in
> "mailboxes" list) with new mail. Nuance. Shouldn't it better read:
> <next-mailbox> "open next mailbox with new mail"?


There are some more that need changing, but you'd dislike changing
established functions even more: too bad for me. ;)

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