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Re: change_folder_next patch

Hello Nick,

 On Monday, April 30, 2007 at 15:57:20 +0100, N.J. Mann wrote:

> I've left it bound to ',' for now, but...

    There is another argument against binding comma: Since ages, by
default comma is not bound. This fact is well known by users, and they
frequently use the comma for their custom binds. Either comma alone, or
as prefix of multi-keys macros. As examples the ",@r13on" and ",@r13off"
of the ROT13 decoder macro set adviced on the Mutt wiki. And many more
such. This would not cooperate smoothly with a default bound comma.

    In my humble, <next-folder> is a "risky" function (deleted mails may
get purged): It should not be bound by default to any single key, but to
a key combination less prone to false moves. Humm... <Esc>m perhaps (can
be typed <Alt>m on some terminals), with "m" as mailbox.

    BTW, in Mutt's speak this function doesn't jump to the next
_folder_, but to the next _mailbox_ (a folder declared in "mailboxes"
list) with new mail. Nuance. Shouldn't it better read: <next-mailbox>
"open next mailbox with new mail"?

Bye!    Alain.
PuTTY 0.60 is released.