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$indent_string (Re: [PATCH] Make f=f handler behave like old f=f handler for)

On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 01:51:24PM +0000, Paul Walker wrote:
> The $indent_string variable should control what the quoting string is.
on that matter ...
from the muttrc manual:
  You are strongly encouraged not to change this value, as it tends to
  agitate the more fanatical netizens.
i think i have to count myself to those fanatical netizens. ;)
not only because the creations often enough hurt my eyes, but simply
because the proof that the idea behind this config variable is
thoroughly misguided is in the same manual: $quote_regexp. while in the
pager false positives and negatives just look awkward, it makes
automatic processing of such text (like reflowing quotes) impossible.

i'm not sure what i'm trying to achieve, though. i think i just wanted
to make a statement. :)

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