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Re: [PATCH] Add $umask for mailboxes and attachments

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 01:15:10PM +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Hi, and sorry for the late followup.
> Imho there are 3 issues left in the umask handling:
> #1: main.c sets umask(077) unconditionally. Should be removed.

I'm sorry I missed the start of this thread.  The umask patch is, IMO,
yet another abomination of a security mistake.  Here are some nice
words from Thomas back in 2001 to support that idea.


I once argued to let the user's umask be what mutt uses.  I was wrong.

The essential problem is that Mutt does not behave like other user
programs.  Rather than operating on data which can generally be
assumed to be safe, as say vi would, Mutt is used PRIMARILY to process
arbitrary untrusted data which comes from the Internet.  Often the
data mutt is manipulating is of a sensitive and/or personal nature.
Attachments can contain sensitive data, and a user may unknowingly or
carelessly expose that data due to their unfortunate choice of (their
own) default umask value.  Also setting the umask to something other
than 077 could expose the user's passwords and/or encryption key
passphrases, should Mutt segfault and leave behind a core dump.  The
requested feature set requires Mutt to set and reset the umask in a
variety of different contexts.  A bug in the implementation could
expose encrypted e-mail which the sender does not wish anyone but the
receiver to see.  A user using Mutt at work could negligently expose
confidential company data to a co-worker who should not have access to
that data for security reasons.

As Thomas advocated all the way back in 2001, Mutt should err on the
side of caution, and make it difficult for users to accidentally
expose sensitive data.  Frankly, users are ignorant, and are all too
willing to give up their security for the sake of convenience.  If
you don't believe this, take a security class, and you will have it
proven to you in short order.

[To say someone is ignorant is not inherently an insult, and is not
meant as one here.  It simply means, literally, that the person lacks

Even relatively well-informed users are often surprised by what they
don't know.  How many people reading this thought of the core dump
problem I just mentioned?  What other kinds of attacks have you (or I)
not imagined?  Using a lax umask value probably opens up other forms
of holes that no one involved in this discussion has yet thought of,
as well.  Organizations hire trained security professionals to develop
written security policies because normal users -- even very technical
ones -- are simply not competent to decide on their own security
models.  Users fight against these seemingly pointlessly restrictive
policies tirelessly.  But they are WRONG.

In potentially serious cases such as this, Mutt should protect
ignorant users from themselves.  Is it so hard to change a file's
permissions after it has been downloaded?  Requiring that the user do
this forces them to think about whether they really want to do this,
and prevents ignorant or careless users from negligently exposing
sensitive data.

The umask issue has been brought up and shot down (or just simply
ignored) numerous times, in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2006.  Let's
not make the mistake of being lax about security just because the old
guard who protected it vigilantly have relinquished Mutt's reigns.
Mutt should enforce a umask of 077 if it is to remain the secure
mailer that we all love it for being...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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