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Fcc: ~/sent


since somewhat recently, I've been seeing the entry "Fcc: ~/sent" in
the Compose view.

The only thing I do with fcc or sent in my .muttrc is this:
folder-hook .          "set sort=mailbox-order; set edit_headers=no; unmy_hdr 
fcc; set pgp_verify_sig=yes"
folder-hook nntp       "set sort=threads; set edit_headers=yes; my_hdr Fcc: 

(which may be incorrect, I should probably be setting the var
"record" or using the "fcc-hook").

Despite this being displayed, nothing ever actually lands in ~/sent! If
I use mutt with "-F /dev/null -f /dev/null -n", mails do go there. So
either something is not working in making fcc copies, or this display
in the Compose view is wrong. Any hints, except using a proper config?


P.S.: BTW, my manual.txt says "˜/sent", not "~/sent". Might be a UTF-8
thing. Does UTF-8 have its own tilde?