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Re: patch-1.5.13.tlr.wrap_headers.1

* Thomas Roessler on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 22:16:52 +0200:
> the attached patch teaches mutt a bit about being nice with writing
> headers (such as subject) --

As much as I like the body wrapped to a certain linewidth (I have
some display filters to do that), wrapped headers feel strange to
me. Or the wrapping could be done differently/better. Eg. like
Alain said, 1 address per line. Strange effects when you get an
overlong Message-ID for example that sort of dangles in the air.

As simple luser, I'd say: it just doesn't look good. -- If the
headers are untouched, I can consider them as some kind of
"technical" data, that's presented to me w/o pretention of
looking nice.

In one sentence: I prefer the previous behaviour.

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