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Re: The future of mailboxes?

Aah -- then your troubles are over.

set sort = threads
set sort_aux = last-date-received

Should do the trick for you.


On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 10:12:09PM +0200, Dan Ohnesorg wrote:
> > Somewhat recently, I discovered that some mail systems are providing the
> > mail sorting scheme of my dreams, or at least a good approach of it. I am
> > thinking especially of GMail and Opera Mail.
> Gmail is good. I am missing only one think, seen on gmail, sorting threads
> acording the last message in thread. In gmail if new message arrives to
> thread, whole thread jumps in front. In mutt is thread sorted using oldest
> message, so if you have old thread with new messages, thread is somewhere in
> mailbox, but it is not easy to see the new messages.
> It can be probably implemented even in mutt.
> cheers
> dan

Chip Killian