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Re: mutt/2218: Corrupted display in gnome-terminal

The following reply was made to PR mutt/2218; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Vincent Lefevre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: bug-any@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: mutt/2218: Corrupted display in gnome-terminal
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 20:58:09 +0200

 On 2006-05-06 01:45:03 +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
 >   On Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 12:20:56 +0200, Vincent Lef=3DE8vre wrote:
 >  > the index is not correctly displayed in gnome-terminal (UTF-8): the
 >  > second 'B' is below the 'e' instead of being below the 'v'. As a
 >  > consequence, there an additional 'E' on the following line in the
 >  > index (with a 80-column terminal).
 > =20
 >      I do not understand at all the description, sorry. Some screen
 >  copy might perhaps help me?
 I get something like that:
 q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help         =
    1 N   May 01 ???@?=D7=A1B?Q?t?,B? (   3) 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrs=
 instead of:
 q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help         =
    1 N   May 01 ???@?=D7=A1B?Q?t?B? (   3) 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrst=
 >  I tried on PuTTY in UTF-8, and get garbage, which is not a surprise
 >  given that the "From:" seems to be raw Chinese BIG5. Setting
 >  $assumed_charset=3D3Dbig5 displays what looks to me like correct
 >  ideograms.
 I don't mind not getting correct ideograms. But it shouldn't corrupt
 the display (i.e. the other lines of the index).
 >  > the "From:" header is invalid [...] Mutt shouldn't behave badly even
 >  > in these cases.
 > =20
 >      I agree. The current design of letting unknown raw bytes reach
 >  directly the screen, in the hope that the terminal will know how to co=
 >  with them, is clearly not very good. And especially unfriendly to UTF-=
 >  terms. I believe /2218 is yet another case asking for inclusion of the
 >  assumed_charset feature.
 In fact, I already have set assumed_charset=3D"us-ascii", and this didn't
 solve the problem. IIRC, assumed_charset doesn't handle headers.
 Vincent Lef=C3=A8vre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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 Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA