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Re: Patches

On Thursday, 27 April 2006 at 23:45, Rocco Rutte wrote:
> Hi,
> since there isn't much going on with muttng ATM and I don't expect it to 
> change very soon, I've set up a local git-based mirror of mutt's CVS and 
> started to "backport" some more or less interesting bits including some 
> fixes. Unfortunately, my disk quotas don't allow me to setup a full git 
> repo of my tree and a single-git-packed ~30 MB repo is just too slow 
> for syncing.

you might consider mercurial. See mutt.kublai.com for hg/git/darcs
repositories and some surprising stats about relative repository sizes
(mutt's changelog commits are probably why git does so badly). The
upcoming mercurial 0.9 release does even better.