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Re: Patches


* Thomas Roessler [06-04-28 10:36:26 +0200] wrote:
On 2006-04-27 23:45:58 +0000, Rocco Rutte wrote:

  - pdmef+fix+attachcount
    This fixes an ugly speed issue over IMAP

Brendan, could you have a look at this one?

This not only affects IMAP. When using %X in $index_format, mutt counts attachments according to user's configuration. After splitting up a message into its MIME parts (which would normally only be done before entering pager), mutt throws the parse tree away. When scrolling back to a message, it does the same again.

Repeat: just configure attachment counting and hold <pgup> or <pgdown>. There will be quite some disk load everytime doing up/down. With this patch this only happens once.

For IMAP, the caching of bodies likely speeds this up drastically, but it's not only limited to IMAP.

The only thing I'm not really sure about is the memory consumption, leaks, etc.

  - pdmef+fix+ipv6addr.diff
    This fixes support for IPv6 addresses in URLs

Something like this should go in, but it looks a bit ugly.  I
think I'd like to review this patch a bit more before
committing.  (Which may mean that you may have to re-ping me
before it happens.)

What I dislike about is the Pine-compatibility part, the change to url.cpp looks okay to me. I don't know how other clients handle IPv6 addresses. With the generic URL parser we could ask users to encode colons as %3A it doesn't look nice.

  - pdmef+fix+noent.diff
    This removes HTML entities from the DocBook XML manual and stops
    xsltproc printing tons of errors

Need to have a look at this one; I don't see the tons of errors
that you refer to.

I get exactly 1530 of the following errors:

  manual.xml:129: parser error : Entity 'num' not defined
  Visit channel <emphasis>&num;mutt</emphasis> on
  manual.xml:462: parser error : Entity 'dollar' not defined
  <link linkend="to-chars">&dollar;to&lowbar;chars</link> variable.


  $ xsltproc --version
  Using libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
  xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
  libxslt 10115 was compiled against libxml 20623
  libexslt 812 was compiled against libxml 20623

Besides these: pdmef+patch+ff.diff contains a replacement
for the current format=flowed handler which can really flow
lines and is more up-to-date.

This one, too, needs some more review -- in particular, I don't
believe in re-flowing lines just because there's some more
space on the screen.

Me too, but f=f was made to allow for adjusting the text to the local display (preferences) and the patch does exactly that.

  bye, Rocco