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Re: header_cache broken in cvs

Brendan Cully wrote:  [Mon Mar 13 2006, 02:11:10PM EST]
> > Now, the question is: Does this actually work properly for you?
> Yes, of course. If I could reproduce the problem myself I wouldn't
> be putting you through this. 

Okay, great :-)

> You might try using a directory as your header cache. 

That is what I've been doing all along.  The header cache is indeed
created on the first run, but mutt doesn't use it, either in-session
switching between mailboxes, or on subsequent mutt invocations.

$ find ~/.mutt | xargs ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  3 agriffis agriffis 80 Mar 11 22:01 /home/agriffis/.mutt
drwxr-xr-x  2 agriffis agriffis 48 Mar 13 14:33 

$ time ./mutt -f imaps://mail.hp.com/INBOX -e 'exec exit'
real    0m13.867s
user    0m0.364s
sys     0m0.064s

$ find ~/.mutt | xargs ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  3 agriffis agriffis      80 Mar 11 22:01 /home/agriffis/.mutt
drwxr-xr-x  2 agriffis agriffis     160 Mar 13 14:36 
-rw-------  1 agriffis agriffis 2834432 Mar 13 14:36 
-rw-------  1 agriffis agriffis       0 Mar 13 14:36 

$ time ./mutt -f imaps://mail.hp.com/INBOX -e 'exec exit'
real    0m13.313s
user    0m0.400s
sys     0m0.100s

> Please also send a -d2 trace of a session where the header cache
> should be used, but isn't. There will be some clues in there about
> why mutt is ignoring the cache. I suspect it's an issue with

That is my suspicion too.  I'll follow up with the trace.


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