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Re: How to display format=flowed (and other topics)?

On 2005-10-13 | 21:41:13, Thomas Roessler wrote:
(Guess why every single participant in this thread uses that kind of
line length.)

To quote from RFC2822:
        There are two limits that this standard places on the number of
        characters in a line. Each line of characters MUST be no more than
        998 characters, and SHOULD be no more than 78 characters, excluding
        the CRLF.

I object (and strongly) against claims that mutt's format=flowed
handler is "broken", or that not re-flowing lines on wide screens is
a "bug" when the actual code is (a) perfectly usable, and (b) the
objection is really that we don't give enough rope to people to hang

If you care to read RFC2646 it generally says that flowed lines MAY be rewrapped. Therefore not flowing lines shorter than $columns is as (in)correct as not flowing lines longer than the width of the display. Either way it makes format=flowed pointless.


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