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Re: mutt/2110: decode-copy decode-save create empty parts / messages in case of decoding errors

* On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 TAKAHASHI Tamotsu wrote:
> > >Number:         2110
> > >Category:       mutt
> > >Synopsis:       decode-copy decode-save create empty parts /
> > >                messages in case of decoding errors
> While decode-copying, mutt tries to decrypt the message *after*
> copying the header. So, only the header is left even if aborted.
> > Mutt should warn the user about the error and either copy the
> > message as is (encoded) or refuse to write the message at all.

* On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 TAKAHASHI Tamotsu wrote:
> (May be related to PR #1919 and #2110 ?)
> 0. Fall-through to raw message.
> Pager will show encrypted text if decryption fails.
> Decode-save/copy will copy encrypted msg as text/plain if decryption fails.
> Decrypt-save/copy will copy encrypted msg as multi/enc if decryption fails.

This solves all problems in a reasonable way. Thanks. I still would
prefere to not write the message at all, but this is much better then the
current behavoir.

P.S. I didn't choose that fortune cookie on purpose. Sometimes it's

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