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Re: imap/2097: indication of new mail is not correct after pipe

On Monday, October  3 at 09:15 PM, quoth Alain Bench:
Uploaded patch-1.5.11.ab.flea_imap_2097.1 fixing matching, counting, and N flag to change immediatly upon piping or printing with or without tagging. Are there other index operations needing fix?

Aha! It works exactly as I expect it to now. Thanks!

I haven't noticed any other odd behavior...

> if I pipe the message by hand, i.e. type in "|urlview.sh" myself, > then mutt marks the message as read right away. But if I pipe the > message somewhere from within a macro, the message does not get > marked as read.

    I don't experience the direct/macro piping discrepency you state.
Both cases mostly keep N flag until move or redraw. But... this hides
some oddity: The messages you explicitly mark new, sync, then pipe are
not marked read at all. They stay new, flagged N, and colored ~N, even
with patch. Could this be IMAP server behaviour?

Ahh, it could be. On some servers, I imagine, it's possible that fetching a message doesn't automatically mark it as read (thus why imap_peek behavior was originally created as an option). For what it's worth, I'm using BincIMAP.

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                                                   -- Benjamin Franklin

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