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Re: For 1.5.10: status of commands (Re: For 1.5.10: variable dump

 On Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 11:44:11 AM +0900, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:

> New version:
> http://www.momonga-linux.org/~tamo/patch-1.5.9.tamo.comval.5

    Sorry I first checked poorly, here comes another layer:

 · Segfaults when all commands are empty. Like when you do all of:

| :unhook *
| :alternates *
| :unalternates *
| :unalternative_order *
| :unauto_view *
| :unhdr_order *
| :ignore *
| :unignore *
| :unmime_lookup *
| :unmy_hdr *
| :subscribe *
| :unlists *
| :exec status-commands
| Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Or simply:

| $ mutt-1.5.9-sc -nF /dev/null -R -e "exec status-commands"
| Sorting mailbox...Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 · unlists and unsubscribe still display garbage.

 · ignore and unignore might better be sorted together, as are
alternates and unalternates.

 · Same for lists and unlists.

 · Same for subscribe and unsubscribe.

 · While at it, the 4 (un)lists and (un)subscribe might be grouped.

 · unmime_lookup? Was ist den das? I mean: That's not a list, but a
command to remove tokens from mime_lookup list, right?

 · spam/nospam?

 · While in /Status of commands/ screen, ":reset all" shouts: "Not
available in this menu." (while other set or reset commands work). Note
it's same for /Help/ screen. Why?

Bye!    Alain.
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