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Re: wish: file/directory funtions for maildir etc (was: Re: New IMAP function: rename-mailbox)

On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 12:52:38PM +0100, Gregor Zattler wrote:

> i do not know if the BTS is running...

Muttbug (a reporting utility) is also disabled.

> * Thomas Glanzmann <sithglan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [21. Feb. 2005]:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > > fwiw, how about adding such functions for maildir, etc. as well? it sort
> > > of sucks to have to resort to a file manager to manage mailboxes ...
> > 
> > agreed. What I need most is a delete mailbox command (with pro-active
> > stupidity safer (prompt with default answer now)).
> me too.  Deleting, moving, copying, renaming, linking of mailboxes
> would be very useful.  
> Dito a funktion which simply shows the file name of a message
> (like <display-name>) and the possibility to (hard) link a
> message to another maildir.

A feature which allows a user to type '!mv %s anotherfile'
(on a message [in index] or a mailbox [in browser]) would be

delete a maildir: !rm -fr %s
safely delete?:   !ls %s/cur/* %s/new/* || rm -r %s
move a maildir:   !mv %s another
link a message:   !ln %s `dirname %s`/../anotherdir/cur/

But this will introduce incompatibility if implemented.
(i.e. '%%s' for literal '%s')
