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Re: [alac] ccNSO liaison

>Any news for the GNSO Liaison?

Honestly, given the names we have as applicants, I'd wait for one of the new

We might keep this in mind when submitting the proposal to the Board.

>We also have to review the other liaison and functions (Board Liaison,
>Chair, vice Chairs, etc.). I have no idea of what the bylaws say, but I
>would expect a revision yearly, after the new members have joined. At least,
>this is what the Board and SOs do. We can either do it now (I mean in the
>next days, but we probably had to do it at our meeting here in CT, if we
>take the example of the Board and SOs)

It was my intention to discuss this in the internal meeting tomorrow, when
we discuss internal reorganization. But of course any decision about new
appointments should happen only after having moved the discussion to the

Especially, I would like to get confirmation whether everyone is happy to
have me as Chair, or would rather change. I wish to continue and I think it
could be good to continue having the Chair as WGIG member from a political /
outreach point of view, but I need more support from the group in terms of
practical organizing (so we should reassess vice Chairs too).

I am personally happy with the chairmanship of Vittorio. Additionally, I believe that to have the ALAC Chairperson in the WGIG gives more strength to the message and visibility to ALAC. Conversely, to change Chairperson now will give a very bad political sign, kind of "we don't trust our representative in WGIG", and will put Vittorio in a more difficult position within WGIG. The only problem is the potential overload on Vittorio, but this is for him only to judge.

That the workload is currently unevenly distributed, is also my impression. That means that we need to reconsider the way we function, but also make sure, given the fact that we have to make a proposal to the Board for the new members, that the incoming people be aware of the workload, and be willing to do it.

ICANN BoD Liaison

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