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[alac] Action items and deliberations

This is a list of the deliberations (D) and action items (A) that were set
at today's meeting (also some from past days' meetings). Absent members are
free to comment or object (we had eight members at the meeting, but still we
may want to change some things if there are objections).
I might have forgot some, Denise will circulate minutes.

1. "Position paper" and ICANN strategic plan
("Position paper" = a sort of internal strategic plan assessing our goals
and plans, and the way we work)
    1.a) Position paper
         A: Izumi and Clement (asap): post terms of reference to discuss the
            outline of the plan with the Committee
         A: Izumi and Clement (Jan 15): post first draft for committee
    1.b) ICANN strategic plan
         A: everyone (asap): read document
         A: everyone (at Dec conf call): discuss it and see how to prepare
            ALAC comments

2. Review of ALAC candidates
    2.a) Europe
         D: suggest one person to be focused on European outreach
         A: Vittorio, Roberto + al: send more questions to 2 candidates
            ascertain time availability and fitness to purpose
    2.b) North America
         D: suggest one person to act as GNSO liaison + another to focus on
         D: shortlist to three candidates (names still confidential)
         D: examine possibility of suggesting 2 candidates + a third one as
            GNSO liaison
         A: Vittorio, Jean + al: send more questions to 3 candidates
            ascertain time/role availability and fitness to purpose

3. Internal organization and appointments
    3.a) Internal organization
         D: Give specific responsibilities (e.g. communications, website,
            meetings management) to vice Chairs
         A: Vittorio + Denise: prepare checklist for meeting requirements 
         A: Vittorio + Roberto: prepare job description for person in
    3.b) Appointments for 2005
         D: Clarify procedures for next year (in "position paper")
         D: Roberto as Board liaison
         D: Erick as ccNSO liaison
         D: GNSO liaison deferred to new appointments
         D: Vittorio as Chair
         D: Vice Chairs provisionally confirmed, appointments to be revised
            in Mar del Plata after the "position paper" is finalized
         D: NomCom deferred to online discussion (lack of time)

4. IDN document
         A: Vittorio: post draft 3
         D: Keep the document private for 1 week (committee comments),
            then post it for public comment for 2-3 weeks, then check
            comments and finalize it

5. WSIS planning group
         A: Izumi + Vittorio: discuss proposed resolution with committee

6. Cooperation with NCUC
         D: Have joint meetings at every ICANN meeting
         D: Start joint mailing lists on issues

7. Conference calls schedule
         A: Denise: ask availabilities for Dec 20-21-22
         D: Discuss 2005 schedule online

8. Football tournament in Mar del Plata
         A: Erick: organize ALAC team

vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...