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Re: Attach: pseudoheader and files with spaces

Whoops, forgot to go back and add the error messages!

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:05:14PM -0500, Ed Blackman wrote:
I've been really enjoying the Vim macro that was posted a little while ago that prompts you to attach files if it detects words like "attached" in the mail, and appends mutt's Attach: pseudoheader to the header block with the name of the file.

I'm running into problems with files with spaces in their names. The macro escapes the spaces, so if I attach a file named 'space test.txt', it appends "Attach: space\ test.txt". Mutt then replies "".

"space\: unable to attach file"

I though that it didn't like the escapes, so I manually removed them, so that it's "Attach: space test.txt". Mutt then replies "".

"space: unable to attach file"


Attachment: signature.txt
Description: Digital signature