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Re: saving sent message on IMAP Maildir

On Monday 21 January 2008 10:43:29 am Michael Kjorling wrote:
> On 21 Jan 2008 10:22 -0600, by freebsd08@xxxxxxxxx (Jonathan Horne):
> > i am new to mutt, and for the most part, i have it functioning well
> > enough to get me started.  my one caveat is, that when i send a message,
> > it is not saved in my IMAP sent folder.
> Set $record to the desired folder. For example, if $folder is set to
> your IMAP server root, you could put this in your .muttrc:
> set record="+sent"

thanks for the reply michael,

when i set that in my .muttrc, and when i am ready to send the mail, i see:

Fcc: ~/Mail/.Sent Items

in actuality, the physical folder would be ~/Maildir/.Sent Items

...(and of course, inside .Sent Items would be the /cur folder).  also, i 
think its trying to save the file/folder locally, intead of on my remote IMAP 
server.  is there a way to make all this happen on the remote IMAP store?

Jonathan Horne
freebsd08 _@_ dfwlp.com