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Re: browse mailboxes order

* Steve on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 13:17:14 +0100
> To go from folder to folder with new messages, one must hit the c key.
> Now let's say that folder A contains a message I want to read later on
> but I want it to keep the N flag. Now, when I hit c, I go in A and then
> hit c right after to go to B. I read B messages and when finished, I hit
> c and I go straigh back to A folder which is not what I want, I want to
> go to the next folder with unread messages and so on until all
> messages are read. But each time I hit c I go back to folder A and so
> I'm obliged to hit c a useless number of times to browse my messages.
> You still follow me ?

No. After hitting c, at the prompt, you can use <space> to cycle
through mailboxes that have new mail.

More recent versions of Mutt also have the next-unread-mailbox
command, which might even be better for your needs.

Python Mutt utilities <http://www.blacktrash.org/hg/muttils/>