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one macro to save many messages in different folders?


For several reasons not really relevant here, I have the messages of
several mailing lists delivered to one common inbox folder. When I
have read them, I want to tell mutt, with one keystroke, to look at
all the messages I have tagged and save each of them to the folder
corresponding to its mailing list. What if I do something like:

message-hook '~h ?List-id Centos'           'save-hook  +centos'
message-hook '~h ?List-id OpenOffice'       'save-hook  +openoffice'
message-hook '~h ?List-id someotherlist'    'save-hook  +someotherlist'

what happens when I type ";s" ? will mutt do the right thing, that is
using all those hooks save each message to the folder it belongs to
according to the rules above?  If not, what is the right method to do

I'm asking before starting to experiment myself because I'd like to
know if I'm at least looking in the right direction or must go with a
totally different approach, and because the idea came to me a few
minutes ago but probably won't have the possibility to play with it
before a few days.

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