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Re: Colors and... nano or native pager??

On (16/09/07 12:28), promulgato@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> ...
> So, are you a lot of you guys using external textmode editors 
> in the place of Mutt's "primitive" one? What are the intelligent 
> alternatives? Is it feasible, then, to make your external textmode 
> editor match mutt's colors?

I flinch at the thought of the flame-wars that may result from this
simple factual statement: my .muttrc reads

# set my choice for editor
set editor=/usr/bin/"emacs-snapshot -geometry 75x39"

Substitute the emacs or other editor of your choice. By the way,
emacs-snapshot is available by adding to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://emacs.orebokech.com sid main

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