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Re: Triple wrap

Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Monday, September 10 at 12:30 PM, quoth Meenal Pant:
> > Does Mutt support Triple wrap ( sign,encrypt,sign)with smime or gpg  ?
> > If no, then what would be a way to achieve this?
> Mutt doesn't support this behavior. The way to get what you want would
> probably to do all your encrypting manually, by piping the message to
> gpg (you could codify it all in a macro, to avoid lots of retyping).
> While I recognize the importance of this to avoid surreptitious
> forwarding, do you know of any email programs that *do* support
> triple-wrapped (or whatever you want to call it) email? Most of the
> folks I email to that can read encrypted mail either use a similar PGP
> plugin that only supports Sign&Encrypt or use pine, which has the same
> limitation.
> ~Kyle
> P.S. For anyone curious why the OP wants this, read:
> http://world.std.com/~dtd/sign_encrypt/sign_encrypt7.html
Thanks Kyle,
I have read that Outlook and Outlook Express support *reading* triple
wrap emails. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa995740.aspx
Other than this I do not know any other email client that supports
triple wrap.