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Backspace problems in XTerm

Dear Mutt users,

Even after hours of Googling, I am unable to get this to work. So,
here's the deal:

1. Everything's fine, except that in the pager, if I press backspace,
it says key not bound. If I press Ctrl+H, it works as expected.
2. All other applications work fine; emacs -nw, vim etc.
3. So, in Mutt, I wish to bind my previous-line to Ctrl+H in the
pager. However, when I add bind \008 to previous-line, it still
doesn't work. When doing a "?", the binding displays as "^H" all
right, but below, it says <BackSpace> again, and my binding has no

Can you suggest an effective workaround? Using XTerm's "Backarrow Key"
fixes this, but it breaks all other apps, like emacs -nw, break.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036