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Re: maidir monitor for gnome

"Russell L. Harris" <rlharris@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Is there a clearly-superior mail monitor for the gnome desktop which
> is compatible with getmail/mutt/maildir in the Debian "testing"
> environment?
> By "clearly-superior", I mean one that is out of the beta testing
> stage and works without hassle.  The last time I went shopping for a
> mail monitor, I installed and tried several, found nothing that
> appeared to work properly, and ended up uninstalling everything.
> I would like a monitor which would allow me to specify the maildirs to
> be monitored, and would emit a beep (or play a very short sound file)
> whenever new mail arrives in one of those maildirs.

You might like mail-notification, it lives in the notification area of
the panel, and pops up a small summary of new mail when you mouse over
it.  Should be in Debian testing.


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