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Re: [Slightly OT] Allow for choosing browser to follow a link

* Kai Grossjohann <kai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [08-29-07 07:36]:
> Ctrl-b invokes urlview which provides a list of URLs in the current
> message and allows me to choose one of them to view it.  This invokes
> w3m or elinks.  This is good.
> But from time to time I want to invoke other browsers.  Or just copy the
> URL to the X11 clipboard.
> Is there an alternative to urlview that would allow me to choose the
> program to run on a case-by-case basis?

man urlview provides 

       REGEXP regexp
                     urlview uses a regular expression to extract URLs
                     from the specified text files.  \r, \t, \n and \f
                     are all converted to their normal printf(3)
                     meanings.  The default REGEXP is:

\t<>"]+|(www|web|w3)\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^' \t.,;<>":]

<ctrl><b> from .muttrc

       macro   pager   \cb   |urlview\n   'call urlview to extract URLs out of 
a message'

write your own script putting the regex result into a variable and
evoke the browser of your choice:  firefox %s

call the different scripts via different key combinations

       macro   pager   \cc  !script\n   'call firefox to view ...'
Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
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Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org