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Re: changing the subject line of a thread / sed zen

also sprach Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2007.08.28.2158 +0200]:
> you just got really lucky). The way mutt determines whether a file is 
> modified is by comparing the mtime of the temp file it created to the 
> mtime of the temp file once the editor is done editing. The mtime is 
> stored in seconds. Sed, of course, executes in less than a second, so 
> the mtime is unchanged in all but the rarest of cases.

Perfect explanation, thanks Kyle!

> It would work if you'd piped it to a script like this:

You don't even need an editor:

  set editor="sleep 1 && sed -i -e ..."

works just as well. On that note, however, you probably want formail
instead, due to multiline headers, but formail cannot edit in-place.
Thus, you'll need a script. :(

Or well, maybe not. The following sed -rn snippet extracts
a multiline header (name stored in $1):


It should not be too hard to come up with a sed recipe that replaces
the subject. My first try failed though (again, with -re):


This correctly removes the subject. Where the = is, I wanted to
insert a new Subject line:

  ":s;/^$/be;/^Subject:/bj;P;:j;n;/^[[:space:]]/bj;iSubject: new" -e 

but for some reason, that gets called after *every* header. And yet,
the script should never reach that except after encountering
/^Subject:/ in the header, when it spins in the j loop until the
next header is found. *Then* and only then should it insert the
Subject. I am not a sed guru, so if anyone has a clue, please let me

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
this message represents the official view of the voices in my head.
spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx

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