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Re: Maildir by date

On 13/08/07, Paul Hoffman <nkuitse@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 02:05:23AM +0100, mal content wrote:
> > I'd like to clean up the mess that is my current email
> > setup.
> >
> > Ideally I'd like each days worth of mail to be stored in
> > its own maildir, like this:
> >
> >
> > ...where $DAY is the maildir itself. Mail will be spooled,
> > as usual, in ~/mail/spool until it is read by mutt and
> > saved/archived into todays maildir.
> >
> > Does anybody have any idea how to do this in mutt?
> > Presumably I'm going to be hacking at save-hooks or
> > even piping to an external program and separate accounts
> > are going to have to be handled somehow. I'm at a bit
> > of a loss as to the way to do this with as few layers
> > of software as possible (I'm about to switch to using
> > fdm to grab mail from various places).
> Is there some reason you can't do this sorting in fdm itself?  I haven't
> used it, but from a quick scan of the man page it looks as though you
> can accomplish what you want by putting something like this in your
> config file (e.g., ~/.fdm.conf):
>   # Define accounts to fetch from
>   account "foo" imap [...]
>   account "bar" pop3 [...]
>   # Sort everything by date
>   action "inbox" maildir "~/mail/%a/%[mail_year]/%[mail_month]/%[mail_day]"

Well, you see the thing is I'd like to use mutt to
read new mail in one central place. As far as I can
tell, the only way this can happen is if fdm delivers
to one spool and then mutt sorts mail to separate
folders upon saving and exiting (in the same manner
that it moves mail to my gigantic inbox now).

I'd be happy to discover that things don't have to
be this way!
