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Re: Q: View as Windows-1252?

Thanks to Kyle's suggestions, I've now got

| set assumed_charset=iso-8859-1:windows-1252

in my muttrc file.  However, it does not help for a message with the
following headers:

| Mime-Version: 1.0
| Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Note that it does not indicate a charset.  When I do Ctrl-E on this
message, the prompt says "charset=us-ascii".  Editing that to
"charset=windows-1252" does the trick -- Mutt now shows umlauts as such
instead of as question marks.


On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 03:37:38PM +0200, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

> I find that I (fairly) often get messages with no charset specified, or
> with the wrong charset specified, so I do Ctrl-E on them and edit the
> charset parameter to windows-1252, which seems to work well for most
> cases.
> Is it possble to automate this, so that I only have to press a single
> key?
> What makes it difficult (for me) is that Ctrl-E displays a line that
> contains more information than just the charset, and I can't see how to
> automatically go to the right spot in that line.
> tia,
> Kai