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Re: lbdb and m_muttalias usage issue

* Mun Johl <Mun.Johl@xxxxxxxxxx> [07-23-07 18:55]:
> I've installed and configured lbdb-0.35.1 on my SPARC/Solaris 8 system
> and am not having any luck querying my mutt alias files.
> When I execute lbdbq, it always returns "no matches".
> I validated (via 'set -x') that m_muttalias is being called, and that my
> MUTTALIAS_FILES are being grep'd.  But apparently nothing is
> returned--even though there should be matches.  My alias entries
> are of the following format:
> alias aliasname "First Last" <user@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Anyone have any debug hints as to why lbdbq may not be working?  If not,
> I guess I'll delve into m_muttalias's regexs.

I use:

set query_command="lbdbq '%s'"  # calling lbdbq    
macro alias Q "!lbdbq ."        "lbdb query"

and in procmail:

# -------------------------------------------------------
# put all addresses into lbdb database @ ./.lbdb/*
# -------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------

LBDBFETCHADDR = "/usr/bin/lbdb-fetchaddr"

been doing this for about 9 or 10 years:

19:34 wahoo:~ > ls -la .lbdb/
total 2336
drwx------    2 pat users    4096 2007-07-23 19:32 .
drwxr-xr-x  159 pat users    8192 2007-07-23 19:32 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 pat users    6290 2003-12-25 04:45 lbdbrc
-rw-r--r--    1 pat users    6211 2003-12-25 04:42 .lbdbrc~
-rw-------    1 pat users 1734339 2007-07-23 19:32 m_inmail.list
-rw-------    1 pat users  614400 2004-09-23 09:14 m_inmail.list.10172.tmp
-rw-------    1 pat users       0 2007-07-23 19:32 m_inmail.list.dirty

Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
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Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org