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Need Help

dear mutters:

sorry for disturbing you! I have been using mutt for several years.
now, I have switched from suse (I don't like it anymore) to ubuntu.
so far, everything was working fine, but now, the new mutt version
always reports SASL authentication failed. :-( I am using the same
muttrc on both systems, which I have also attached (but ID and
password are XXX-ed). any hint? is something wrong with the file?

on the suse system I am using Mutt 1.4i (2002-05-29)
on ubuntu Mutt 1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

just to repeat:
   with Mutt 1.4i (2002-05-29) and the attached muttrc: ok
   with Mutt 1.5.13 (2006-08-11) and the attached muttrc: :-((((

I have not installed any fetchmail or configured any sendmail, since
I am just reading emails. Also, I do not think that this might be
the reason for the problem, since the error is an SASL authentication error.

I would be grateful for any valuable hint!

many many thanks and best wishes, ralf


# Sample ~/.muttrc for SuSE Linux

# Setting
set pager_context=4
set pager_index_lines=10
set pager_stop

# Binding
bind  pager <backspace> previous-page
bind  pager -           previous-line
bind  pager \eOm        previous-line
bind  pager +           next-line
bind  pager \eOk        next-line
bind  pager \eOM        next-line
bind  pager \e[1~       top
bind  pager \e[4~       bottom

bind  index <backspace> previous-entry
bind  index -           previous-entry
bind  index \eOm        previous-entry
bind  index +           next-entry
bind  index \eOk        next-entry
bind  index \eOM        display-message
bind  index \e[H        first-entry
bind  index \e[F        last-entry
bind  index \e[1~       first-entry
bind  index \e[4~       last-entry

bind  alias   <space>   select-entry
bind  alias   x         exit
bind  attach  x         exit
bind  browser x         exit

# Color
mono  message    bold
color message    white          red
color error      brightyellow   red
color indicator  white          red
color tree       brightmagenta  default
color signature  red            default
color attachment brightyellow   red
color search     brightyellow   red
color tilde      brightmagenta  default
color markers    brightmagenta  default
#color bold       brightblack    default
#color underline  green          default
color quoted     blue           default
color quoted1    magenta        default
color quoted2    red            default
color quoted3    green          default
color quoted4    cyan           default
color quoted5    blue           default
color quoted6    magenta        default
color quoted7    red            default
color quoted8    green          default
color quoted9    cyan           default
color hdrdefault brightred      default
color header     brightmagenta  default  "^(from):"
color header     brightblue     default  "^(subject):"
#color header     default        default  "[ \t]+[^:]*$"
color body       brightcyan     default  \
\t\n\r\"<>()]*[^][{} \t\n\r\"<>().,:])?"
color body       brightcyan     default  "[-a-z_0-9.+]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
color body       red            default  "(^| )\\*[-a-z0-9äöüß*]+\\*[,.?]?[ \n]"

# End

#       customization for RS

# --------------------------------------
#       mailboxes and spoolfiles
# --------------------------------------

set folder="~/letter"
set spoolfile="imap://mail.uni-rostock.de"

mailboxes =Inbox
mailboxes "imaps://mail.uni-rostock.de"

# --------------------------------------
#       general folder settings
# --------------------------------------

set mbox_type=maildir
set delete=yes
set save_empty=no
#set maildir_trash=yes
set confirmappend=no
set confirmcreate=no

# --------------------------------------
#       copies and accounting
# --------------------------------------

set postponed=+.postponed
set save_name=yes
set force_name=yes      # no writes to Sent !  #set record=+Sent

# --------------------------------------
#       identification
# --------------------------------------

set realname="Ralf Salomon"
set hidden_host=yes
        # set hostname="etechnik.uni-rostock.de"
        # set hostname="e-technik.uni-rostock.de"
        set from="ralf.salomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# --------------------------------------
#       imap options
# --------------------------------------

set imap_authenticators="gssapi:cram-md5:login"
set imap_authenticators="login"
set imap_delim_chars="/."
set imap_keepalive=900
set imap_list_subscribed=no
set imap_user="xxxxx"
set imap_peek=yes
        # set imap_force_ssl=yes        # not working :-((
        # set imap_home_namespace=""
        set imap_pass="xxxxxxx"         # don't show password, type it
        # set imap_passive=yes
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates

# --------------------------------------
#       pager options
# --------------------------------------

set sort=reverse-date
set mark_old=no
        # set sort=reverse-score
        # score ~N -100
        # score ~O 10
        # set arrow_cursor=yes          # better to recognize sender & subject

# --------------------------------------
#       viewing mails
# --------------------------------------

ignore *
unignore subject: to: from: date: cc: reply
hdr_order from: subject to cc reply date 

auto_view text/html
auto_view application/vnd.msword
auto_view application/msword
auto_view application/vnd.ms-excel
auto_view application/x-msexcel
auto_view application/msexcel
auto_view application/x-excel
auto_view application/excel
auto_view application/ms-Excel
auto_view application/octet-stream
auto_view application/vnd.ms-powerpoint

# --------------------------------------
#       replying to mails
# --------------------------------------

set indent_string="> "
set abort_unmodified=no                 # don't abort on unchanged messages 
# set fast_reply=yes
set attribution="Hallo %n,\n"
set forward_format="FWD: %s"
set include=yes                         # normal and quite faster than ask-yes

# --------------------------------------
#       general settings
# --------------------------------------

set menu_scroll=yes
set move=no
set print=ask-yes
set print_command="lpr -Pnelaser"

# --------------------------------------
#       aliases
# --------------------------------------

set alias_file=+.aliases
source +.aliases
# source ~/conf-org/cec04/aliases
set reverse_alias=yes

# --------------------------------------
#       new bindings
# --------------------------------------

bind attach  ' '        view-attach
bind compose ' '        send-message

# --------------------------------------
#       to do's
# --------------------------------------

#       set imap_force_ssl=yes
#       set envelope_from=yes
#       set sendmail_wait=-1
#       set signature=....      # abhaengig vom empfaenger