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Re: gpg: encrypt with more than one key

tannhauser wrote:
> the concrete problem: i'm on a (very small) mailinglist. we all have
> the gpg keys of the others. i can not encrypt with more than one
> key.
> so, how do i send emails to the mailinglist address and encrypt it
> with the various recipients' keys? 
> i was very surprised that i was not able to choose more than one gpg
> key in the dialog window with 't' as i'm used to do with addresses
> in my addressbook.
> at the moment, i face this problem only with this mailing list. i'm
> not sure if it's impossible in general to encrypt emails with more
> than one key (for example: one email, two recipients in to:, both
> recipients' keys in the keyring), i have to test that.

Others have covered most of this, but one suggestion I haven't seen is
to use gpg's group feature.  In your gpg.conf you could create a group
for all of the reciepients.  I've not tried this so I don't know if it
has some failing when working with mutt, but it seems likely that it
would work[1].

The syntax in gpg.conf is:

group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti

If you named the group in a way that matched the mailing list, mutt
should automatically pick it when you mail to the group.  If that
doesn't work, you could probably use a pgp-hook.

[1] to my sugar starved brain at this early hour

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle
is always a vice.
    -- Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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