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Re: random ideas - storing mutt settings on imap server

[store mutt config on IMAP server]

1) .muttrc is a text file
2) E-Mails are some sort of text files

...so you would just need a command "read config from mail".

Of course you would need some sort of "bootstrap config" to tell mutt
where it should look for its configuration. But you would always need
some basic configuration, because e.g. one would use different "From:"
addresses depending from where you work (I use a different address at
home and at work.)


Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Märkl              | maerkl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Institute of Microelectronic Systems | http://www.ims.uni-hannover.de
Phone: +49-(0)-511-762-19657         | Fax: +49-(0)-511-762-19694

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