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Re: Automatically Deleting old Messages

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On Saturday, June 16 at 02:10 AM, quoth tyler.roach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> Thanks. I guess I'll just stop using the "keep on server" option until 
> I work this out. Can you point me to some resources on setting up mutt 
> to talk with the server directly?

Hmmm... I haven't looked at howtos like that in years... You may want 
to try the mutt wiki (http://wiki.mutt.org).

Essentially, you add something like this to your muttrc:

    set spoolfile="pop3://user@server/"
    set folder="pop3://user@server/"
    set mbox="pop3://user@server/"

(assuming your mutt has been compiled with pop3 support turned on)

> And are there any particular advantages to using fetchmail?

Not that I can think of. I guess it allows you to keep fetching email 
without having mutt running (e.g. by using a cron job). And if your 
mutt isn't compiled with pop3 support, that may be the only way to get 
at your mail.

- -- 
In the game of life and evolution there are three players at the 
table: Human Beings,  Nature, and Machines. I am firmly on the side of 
Nature. But Nature, I suspect, is on the side of the Machines.
                                                        -- George Dyson
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
