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Re: Old e-mails behaving as new

Am 2007-02-04 16:51:46, schrieb Stuart McKim:
> I just changed my version of mutt from 1.5.9i to 1.5.13 and am
> experiencing some behavior that seems very weird to me.

Hey, I am experiencein the problem on both and courier-imap!
(Using Debian GNU/Linux Sarge and Etch)

> When I start mutt and log into my imap server, all the mailboxes defined
> in my .muttrc are shown as having new mail. When I open those mailboxes,
> the only specially marked e-mails are ones marked as old, with an "O".
> There are no e-mails marked with an "N".

Here is it more weird since if I login, and procmail has sorted some
messages to "/new" subdir of my maildir, mutt will detect the messages
and if I enter the Mailfolder with mutt. it move it IMMEDIATLY to "/cur"
ecen if I do not read the messages.

Then if I leave the folder and try to walk with c<TAB> throuh the defined
mailboxes, the NEM messages are not more there and detected...

This is realy annoying, since all is working fine if I enter the Maildir
over NFS, hey, and it move the unread messages (OLD) back to the /new

> In the old version of mutt, these mailboxes would not have been detected
> as having new mail. This made more sense, since I already opened that
> mailbox since those e-mails had been received.

I do not use this option...
Unread messages are always marked as NEW up to the time I have REALY read,
or makred as READ, it.
> My .muttrc did not change. The imap server is using Maildirs; I don't
> know if that makes any difference, it always has used Maildirs.

Here the same.

My courier-imap is

  Installed: 4.1.1-3
  Candidate: 4.1.1-3
  Version table:
 *** 4.1.1-3 0
        500 file: etch/main Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

> Did something change that would have caused this? The behavior is quite
> annoying since I have a lot of mailboxes. Is there an option to make
> mutt behave differently?

I have arround 2130...
Including a 1200 Directory big Debian-PTS.

> Any advice would be appreciated.

Me too!

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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