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Re: mutt login withhout predefined user/password in settings

Sander Smeenk <ssm+mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| Quoting mess-mate (mess-mate@xxxxxxxxxx):
| > best wishes...
| Same to you!
| > If i comment it, i have to login for EVERY folder in my mailbox:
| > Maildir/.debian
| >     .mutt
| >    etc..    
| > Is there a way to login only one's for the complete Maildir?
| That's odd. Do you explicitly unset the username/pass values in your
| configuration? 'cos if i fire up mutt (which normally operates on a
| local Maildir/, thus has no imap settings configured) on my imap server,
| i have to login only once and can switch back and forth between folders
| all i like...
| Check for timeout values, don't explicitly unset your username/password,
| just remove it from the config. Search the manual for IMAP / Password
| related options!
| -- 
Ok, thanks, shall do it.
best regards