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Re: save messages

* On 2007.01.04, in <20070104162908.GB8555@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Albert Shih" <Albert.Shih@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Normaly I'm using the name of the sender. It's perfect. But now my imap
> server is a courier-imap and in this server the «.» (the dot) is use by the
> system for making subfolder. In this condition when the sender is something
> like FirstName.LastName if I just use standard config (save) the message is
> save in the subsubfolder LastName of subfolder Firstname
> How can I make something like
>       if the name_of_sender is string1.string2@string3then the name of the 
> folder
>       is string1_string2

I don't know a direct answer for you, but there was a short discussion a
couple of years ago about doing filename character transpositions when
saving attachments.  I posted a patch which would come close to solving
this for you -- I imagine that only a few additional lines of code would
need to be added (to call mutt_apply_cmap() in the right place).

The patch was for mutt 1.5.6.  I don't know how well it would apply to
current mutt versions or to mutt-ng; I haven't maintained it.  If you're
handy with C, you could give it a try.


 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago