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Re: Muttrc Attribution help

On 9/30/06, Bob Proulx <bob@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Chris Davis wrote:
> I would like my replies to look similar to Outlooks, like so:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sender's name
> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 11:10AM
> To: Recipient 1; Recipient 2 <recipient2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Recipient 3
> Cc: Recipient 4; Internal Group 1
> Subject: Subject line goes here

I don't have a fully thought out solution because what you are
proposing is not something that I would ever want to do.  But if I did
want to do what you are trying to do I would probably do it like
the following.

I would create a macro that saved the file and then ran a processing
script on the file to extract the information and to format it the way
that you desire and then reply to it.  I would set $editor to a custom
script to read in the previously saved off reply from the macro and
invoke your real editor on the reply.  Basically do what you want
outside of mutt and just tie it into mutt seamlessly.

But I really hope that you don't do it.

> This has been my biggest hurdle so far with moving from Outlook to
> Mutt and if anyone can help I would be very greatful.

Electronic mail predates MS-Outlook by many years.  Best practices
were developed to promote good communication through email well before
MS arrived on the scene.  But MS ignored that and Outlook blatently
violates many of those principles.  You would be much better off
educating your users as to good email practices instead of trying to
propagate the problems of Outlook.

Also, I work in a large company where Outlook is prevalent.  The
format you describe is not the common format used there.  The culture
among Outlook users there is to use "> " in front of the message as a
quoting character.  They still top post routinely but at least you can
differentiate the new content of the message from the previous.  I
consider that the absolute minimum.  And fortunately that bar is low
enough for even Outlook to meet.


Bob, thanks a lot for your reply.  You've been the only one that's
been able to even hint at a possible solution.  I've been very content
with my switch to Mutt, even though there have been some
inconveniences (such as formatting my replies and forwards, and being
able to querry the global contact list).

I realize that there is a tradition and a standard with email and the
format of the replies.  I'm only asking for help for my own benefit.
I would really like to know, when I quicky glance at an old email, who
all the email went to.  I don't really care how it looks.  Right now,
my replies only log the first repicient an no others.

Thanks again for your help.
