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logic loop with IMAP mailboxes and new messages


I'm using Mutt 1.5.13 (2006-09-08) for reading mail using IMAP
exclusively. My IMAP server is Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.13.

There seems to be a problem if more than two mailboxes contain unread
messages. Assuming

- there are three folders: folder1, folder2 and folder3
- my muttrc contains:
    set folder=imap://server/
    mailboxes +INBOX.folder1 +INBOX.folder2 +INBOX.folder3
- all three folder contain an unread message

After being started Mutt correctly notices the presence of the unread
messages: hitting `c' (change-folder) causes Mutt to suggest to change
to folder1. I press return, and folder1 is selected. Hitting `c' again
leaving folder1's message unread, Mutt proposes to change to folder2.
So far so good. But hitting `c' again now, Mutt suggests to change
back to folder1. I had expected Mutt to suggest folder3 which also
contains unread message. However, changing back to folder1, not reading
the message and hitting `c', Mutt recommends changing to folder2, and
so forth...

Sure, I could use `space' in the change-folder prompt to cycle through
all folders containing new messages. However, Mutt once handled this
correctly; IIRC this changed between 1.5.12 and 1.5.13. Reading the
ChangeLog, I suspect the culprit is Brendan's change on 2005-12-16

Is anybody else seeing this?

Comments are welcome.

TIA, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~